LC Advising
Through our extensive banking network, we can provide a high quality of LC Advising service. You can collect the original LC at any of our domestic branches or receive export LC through our efficient delivery systems. Alternatively, you may choose to retain a copy of LC and leave the original LC at our custody for your future drawing.
Transfer LC
When you are trading as a middleman, you can still provide your suppliers with a documentary credit as a secured means of payment.
Export Collection
If your sales are on D/P (deliver documents against payment) or D/A (deliver documents against acceptance) basis, we can collect payment on your behalf. We also provide immediate phone advice upon receipt of payment.
Purchase of Export D/P or D/A Documents
If your sales are settled on D/P or D/A basis, we can advance your bills on approved buyers to facilitate your cash flow.
Negotiation of Export Bill under LC
If your sales are settled by a documentary credit, you can apply with us for Negotiation under L/C to facilitate cash flow needs. You may rely on our professional expertise to check the documents for you before presentation to the issuing bank.
Packing Loan (Pre-shipment Financing)
To enhance your cash flow flexibility, you can deposit an export LC (issued by an approved institution) with us as collateral and obtain the pre-shipment financing.
Invoice Discounting for Open Account Trading
If your receivables with approved buyers are settled on open account basis, just present your invoice and shipment evidence to us and apply for our invoice discounting facilities.
Act now and simply contact our professional team or visit your nearest Chong Hing Bank branch.
(852) 3768 1188