Notice of Amendments to “Account Terms”

With effect from 23 September 2024 (the “Effective Date”), please be informed that the “Account Terms”1 of Chong Hing Bank Limited (the “Bank”) will be amended. The relevant amendments are summarised below. The newly added contents are underlined for your easy reference. Please read carefully and understand the amended terms and conditions.

Account Terms1


Amended terms and conditions

Part 1


Notwithstanding the other provisions (including Clause 1.2 of this Part 1) to the contrary in these Account Terms and solely for purpose of providing the Bank’s Services below:

  1. cheque clearing;
  2. autopay credit; 
  3. custodian services;
  4. ancillary services provided through electronic means to support trading and clearing activities of Hong Kong's securities and derivatives markets; and / or
  5. other services as may be made available by the Bank from time to time in compliance with the SWT Arrangement (defined below)


(collectively called “SWT Services”), these Account Terms are subject to and shall be deemed as overruled or modified by the SWT Arrangement implemented by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”) from time to time including those published under the Appendix II to the Consultation Conclusions regarding Severe Weather Trading of Hong Kong Securities and Derivatives Markets (collectively called the “SWT Arrangement”). Those SWT Services relevant to the severe weather trading operational arrangements (such as trading, clearing and settlement services and operations) in relation to Hong Kong's securities and derivatives markets mentioned in these Account Terms shall not be deferred despite that (i) Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above, or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory; or (ii) extreme condition is announced by the Hong Kong Government (collectively called “SW conditions”).  Details of the SWT Arrangement are available at the website of HKEX . 

To the extent of conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of these Account Terms and the SWT Arrangement, the business, operation, services and affairs of the Bank in relation to the Bank’s SWT Services under these Account Terms during any SW condition shall be subject to and deemed as modified to the intent of compliance with the SWT Arrangement.

Part 2: Section VI – Term Deposits


If the maturity date of a Hong Kong Dollar deposit falls on a day which is not a Business Day, it shall instead fall on the next Business Day. If the maturity date of a foreign currency deposit falls on a day on which banks in the country of the relevant foreign currency are not open for business, then it shall instead fall on the next day on which such banks are open for business unless the Bank determines that it is desirable for the deposit to mature on the last day on which such banks were open for business prior to the original maturity date.

Solely for the purpose of reckoning the maturity date of fixed deposit, a Business Day shall not be affected despite that any SW condition is issued or announced.

[1] The "Account Terms (For Personal / Joint Account)" and "Account Terms (For Corporate Account)" of Chong Hing Bank Limited.

The above amendments shall be binding on you if you retain or continue the banking relationship with us on or after the Effective Date. If you do not wish to accept the above amendments, please refer to the applicable terms and conditions and let us know. We may however not be able to continue providing services to you if the above amended terms and conditions are not accepted.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact any of our branches in Hong Kong or call our Customer Services Hotline at (852) 3768 6888. You may visit our website at to obtain a copy of revised version of “Account Terms” on or after the Effective Date.

In case of any inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versions of this notice, the English version shall prevail.


Chong Hing Bank Limited

21 August 2024