Live Chat
With Chong Hing Live Chat, our customer service staff will provide instant text messaging service to answer specified customer enquiries. Please click the icon at the lower right corner to start the chat with us. (Note: If you use the desktop version, please use Safari v12.3 / Chrome v74 or above to activate the service. If you use the mobile version, please use iOS 11 / Android 6 or above to activate the service. Using unlisted versions of browser or system may cause the function not to work properly.)
Types of Enquiry
- How to cancel a credit card / ATM card?
- How to report suspicious transactions?
- Make an appointment for account opening
- Branch location and service hours
- Promotions
- Account opening enquiry
Service Hours
9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays)
Offline Assistance

For branch location details, please visit
Branch service hours: Mondays - Fridays 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Saturdays 9:00 am-1:00 pm (Kowloon Bay branch will be closed on Saturdays)

If you found any suspicious or unauthorised transactions in your account, you are recommended to check the receipts and statements, enquire and validate your recent transaction history via the Bank’s Internet Banking. If you need further assistance, please visit any branch of the Bank or call the Bank’s Customer Services Hotline at (852)3768 6800 (bank account) / (852)3768 8811 (credit card).

If you need to make an appointment for opening a personal account / corporate account, please fill in the appointment information at the following website.
Personal account:
Corporate account:
Live Chat Terms of Use