Health Warning
This is an investment product. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the Bonds unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.
What are Bonds
Bonds are simply debt instruments issued by governments, corporations, or other issuers to bondholders to raise capital. When you purchase a bond, you are lending money to the bond's issuer. Generally speaking, the issuer is obliged to pay you interest at regular intervals throughout the life of the bond and to repay you the stated principal at maturity. You may also sell the bond at prevailing market price prior to maturity.
Benefits of Bonds
- Generally pay a higher rate of return than time deposits
- Offer regular interest income, which assist you to build a diversified portfolio
- Benefit from capital appreciation if bond prices move up
Our Bond Investment Service
- Various types of bonds with different bond issuers, tenors, coupon rates and currencies are available for your selection.
- Investment cost is low. Apart from transaction fee, other fees like custodian fee or interest collection fee will be fully waived.
- To start your bond trading is simple and convenient. You can visit the Head Office or any branch of Chong Hing Bank to open an investment account.
- Investment amount can be as low as US$50,000 or equivalent.
Important Reminder:
Access to and use of this website are subject to the provisions contained in the Bank's "Privacy Policy Statement" and "Disclaimer", investors have to familiarise themselves with their terms and conditions as may be revised by the Bank from time to time.
Prices of bonds will fluctuate. The price of any individual bond (or its profit, if any) may move upward or downward and such bond may even become valueless. Investment in bond may be subject to credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk and other risks inherent in any investment that losses may be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying and selling bonds. Independent assessment of the risks and appropriateness of the transaction in the light of investor's own risk profile, objectives and circumstances, including the possible risks and benefits of entering into such transaction, should be made before entering into any transaction. Investors should seek independent professional advice whenever necessary. [Members of the Bank's group may assume or have assumed an underwriting or other related position regarding the investments or companies referred to in this website.] No information available at or from this website shall constitute any advice, recommendation, distribution, offer to sale, promotional offer, solicitation to acquire / dispose of any bond or investment. While the Bank makes no guarantee, representation or warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability in whatsoever manner as to its accuracy, completeness, timeliness or validity of the information available at or from this website, the information is subject to change without notice.
If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this Important Reminder, the English version shall prevail.
Customer Services Hotline:
(852) 3768 6888
or visit any Chong Hing BankBranch.