Investment Funds Services
Investment Fund (also known as unit trust or mutual fund) is a professionally managed of collective investment scheme where resources from individual investors are pooled together and invested across a wide range of equities, bonds, currencies and / or other money market instruments.
Benefits of Investment Funds
- Risk Diversification
To balance risks and returns over a range of sectors, in different countries, with different levels of risk. - Capture global investment opportunities
To invest in both local and overseas markets to capitalize on the growth opportunities in global markets. - Professional Management
Investment Funds are professionally managed by experienced fund managers. With its active management approach, your capital will be fully utilized to enhance return potential. - Invest with flexibility
Most of the Investment Funds can be traded daily to provide you with high flexibility in managing your cash flow.
Our Investment Funds
- We provide you with various fund choices managed by reputable fund management companies. Wide and diversified fund range, including fixed income funds, balanced funds and equity funds
- “Fund Search” provides information at a glance that helps you to select the most appropriate mutual fund to meet your needs.
- Multiple trading channels for you to subscribe or redeem your investment
- Investment amount can be as low as HK$20,000
- You can enjoy fabulous investment offers
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Investment involves risks. Information available may not have set out all the risks and other significant consideration involved. Additional to the management fees stated, other fees and charges may be payable, investors have to refer to the relevant offering documents of the funds and unit trusts for further details and seek independent professional advice before making any investment decision. Investment in funds and unit trusts are different from depositing moneys with a bank, and may be exposed to a higher than usual risks and higher fluctuations in exchange rate / exchange control / fiscal regulations, and as a result substantial volatility in the fund / unit price, their profits / losses or even loss of investor's principal. The prices of funds or unit trusts as well as their profits / losses may go down or up. Any past performance shown is not indicative of future performance. [Members of the Bank Group may assume or have assumed an underwriting or other related position regarding the investments or companies referred to in this website.] No information available at or from this website shall constitute any advice, recommendation, distribution, sale, offer to sale, promotional offer, solicitation to acquire / dispose of any fund or investment. While the Bank makes no guarantee, representation or warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability in whatsoever manner as to its accuracy, completeness, timeliness or validity of the information available at or from this website, the information is subject to change without notice.
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